![[Original size] Website cover (1).png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f7c4fd_a59e86be531d4b57bee9eae6289470d5~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_825,h_333,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BOriginal%20size%5D%20Website%20cover%20(1).png)
My Advocacy and Volunteer work is extremely important to me. Channelling my passion, working alongside so many others and making sure their voices (in whatever format they choose), are heard, listened to and acted upon is something I have to do.
I'm proud to be regularly invited to deliver talks, family events, Facebook Live appearances and be a guest on many podcasts across the globe.
The Autistic Community of Cornwall CIC
I'm extremely proud to be a founder member and Director of Autistic Community of Cornwall CIC. (ACC) . An Autistic led organisation supporting our Neurokin across the Duchy of Cornwall. Advocating and campaigning for Autistic rights. I also present, The Autistic Coffee Shop, The ACC Podcast. I am proud to say we were finalists in the National Diversity Awards 2024
All Matters Neurodiverse Jersey
I honoured to be a Trustee and Professional Consultant of this amazing organisation in Jersey. Led by an amazing individual, Penny Chapman. Leading the way in support and information for families and neurodivergent individuals in Jersey.
A Neurodivergent led "home for Autistic learning and the education of non-Autistic people about Autistic experience." I upload videos about my personal Autistic journey I co-present on broadcasts and co-present on the podcast "Especially Interesting" where Neurodivergent individuals discuss what they are passionate about and info dump about their favourite subjects.
Devon and Cornwall Police
Member of the Community Reference Group for the Devon and Cornwall Police.
We have created a fascinating Vodcast called Across the Neurodivide which explores both of our journeys in Neurotypical and Neurodivergent families and environments.
I help to run a support group for PDAers and their families across the South West.
PDA Society
I volunteered as part of the secretariat on the Safer PDA document
The SEND Dynamic CIC
I'm a member of the Advisory Panel, offering subject matter advice to the C.I.C. Board of Directors.
Co-Director, developing the Enterprisingly Divergent: Enterprise Support for neurodivergent individuals setting up their own business
Mont a l'Abbe School Jersey.