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  • Understanding Neurodivergent Individuals (Autistic)

  • Understanding ADHD

  • Understanding Sensory Differences and Neurodivergent Individuals 

  • What it means to be Autistic/Exploring my Neurospicy Self,  a personal journey​

  • Supporting Neurodivergent individuals at work

  • NeuroKits, How Neurodivergent Individuals can reduce anxiety every day.

  • What is Monotropism?

  • ARFID (Avoidant Food Restrictive Intake Disorder)

  • Shut up and wait, uncluttering communication

  • Reframing behaviour and introduction to the Low Arousal Approach

  • Supporting Neurodivergent individuals in education.

  • Neurodivergent friendly environments and relaxed performances.

  • Autism and ageing, what we know so far.

  • Creating Neurodivergent Champions

  • An introduction to PDA. (Pathological Demand Avoidance/Persistent Desire for Autonomy)

  • PDA and education.

  • PDA, hidden demands, culture and how to reduce anxiety.

  • PDA and ARFID

Some examples training/presentations and organisations that I have presented for:

Some examples of Tigger on Tour

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